Once your team has successfully returned to the workplace, it's key to make sure that they stay safe. Make it clear what policies, procedures, and protection methodologies you've implemented, and be clear how it keeps your employees safe. And, once you're back, you can focus on planning for the future. Wherever you need support, our resources are there to help guide you.

Our Resources

We're here to assist you in your re-occupancy journey, no matter where you are in your re-occupancy. See our resources below to help guide you into the next normal.


Re-Opening Public Spaces: Are We Doing It Right?

As cities and communities around the globe begin moving toward a more complete re-opening, stakeholders are confronted with two challenges: What steps should we take to open safely, and are we doing it right? This session will survey the current understanding of the environmental, health and safety issues related to COVID-19 and evaluate the technologies best suited address safe opening. The session will examine the steps necessary to audit re-occupancy expenses to support reimbursement claims against state and federal coronavirus relief packages.




Re-Occupancy: Overcoming the Coronavirus

There remains a host of questions and challenges on exactly how to return safe and stay safe, employing a calculated, well thought out plan that will instill confidence in those returning to the workplace and the public in general. Our EHS services are ready to help your business overcome your unique challenges in this space